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Caring Adults Prevention Terms


Risk Factor—something that makes drug use and violent behavior more likely.

Protective Factor—something that makes drug use and violent behavior less likely.

Antisocial Behavior (ASB)—behavior that is opposite of, or extremely different than, what is accepted by established social norms. Typically, these behaviors result from lack of consideration for others.

"I" Message—usually follows the formula: "I feel . . . when you . . . because . . ." (e.g., I feel hurt when you cancel plans at the last minute because I was left on my own and it was too late to make other plans.). Use of "I" messages is a conflict resolution strategy that helps individuals focus on the problem (canceling at the last minute) without labeling the person (You are bad!).

Prevention—efforts that occur in order to avoid a problem, such as drug abuse or violent behavior. Prevention efforts try to create an environment where problems are less likely to occur.

Intervention—intervening with the intention of treating or curing drug abuse or violent behavior before it becomes an addiction.

Treatment—professional help for drug addiction or uncontrollable violent behavior; includes a wide range of methods, from counseling sessions to intensive in-patient care.

Perpetrator/Aggressor—the person who begins the violence.

Victim—the person on the receiving end of violent behavior.

Bystander—all of the people who are aware of an occurrence of violence, including those who actually see the violence when it occurs and those who may find out about the situation at a later time.

Cyberbullying—the use of modern technology (including the Internet) to distribute text, audio, or images with the intent to bully and harass others.